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This 12 week training plan will help you go from adv tuck/half straddle to a complete straddle planche. It is a very common problem to struggle to extend your legs and hold this straddle planche but by following this program you are guaranteed to break that plateau. This Plan consists of 3 training days a week focosing an strengthening your shoulders, hips and core to be able to extend and hold that full straddle planche. Everybody is on a different level and progress at faster rates than others so this may not guarantee you a straddle planche in 12 weeks, it may take some longer than others so if that is the case you are able to still follow and repeat this training program until you eventually achieve the straddle planche as this program has all the guidance you need to achieve this skill. Once you purchase this program do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further help.


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